Color matching online

Color Picker

Choose colors online and learn a lot of useful information about them information, such as dark shades, light shades, and color tonality


Color formats

This section converts HEX color to a variety of popular formats





Color shades

It contains a variety of shades of the selected color, namely shades, tints and others

Shades (low brightness)

To achieve a color shade, you mix the color with black , which makes it darker. By reducing the brightness of a color, it also reduces its saturation. Shades are great for hovering over links or as a background for the bottom and top of a website.

Tints (high brightness)

In this case, color blending with white is used , which reduces the darkness of the color. When you increase the brightness, it reduces its saturation. These shades can be used for hover effects and are great as backgrounds for modal windows.

Color tone (saturation)

The color shade is obtained by mixing color with gray . Since gray is a combination of white and black, it's equivalent to applying tinting and shading at the same time. Color shades are best for backgrounds because they are neutral and don't distract attention from the main elements, which usually have brighter and more saturated colors.


Colors are divided into 2 groups based on their temperature: warm and cool . Warm colors include yellow , orange , and red . Blue is a cool color. Defining color temperature is not definitive and is quite relative. For instance, each color can have warm and cool versions. In this case, we're mixing the chosen color with blue to obtain cooler shades.


On this palette, we mix the chosen color with red to achieve warmer shades. Color temperature is directly linked to color psychology. Traditionally, warm colors are associated with emotional warmth and compassion, while cool colors are linked to logic and seriousness. For example, many logos in the food industry are designed with warm shades such as yellow, orange, and red, as they appeal to our emotions (including hunger feelings ). On the other hand, business logos often use cool tones, including various shades of blue, as they convey a sense of seriousness and rationality.

New palettes:

A charming palette of delicate pink shades
A palette of pastel shades of blue and pink
A palette of delicate pastel shades of pink and green
A colorful palette in a dark style, unfolding with mysterious shades of red
A dark and monochromatic palette that offers shades of green
An incredible palette, where subtle shades of blue, yellow, red and azure dance in a pastel style
The golden star, which reveals an incredible palette with bright shades of yellow, will be the pinnacle of your project.
A retro-inspired palette that combines cool shades of orange, yellow and blue.
A sophisticated color palette featuring delicate shades of blue, orange, green and yellow
A charming palette expressed in very delicate and monochromatic shades of pink.
A unique palette, where delicate red, green and blue colors are felt, creating the tenderness of nature.
A unique palette that mixes shades of green and red, creating a unique play of light and shadow.
A unique palette that includes gloomy shades of gray
A sophisticated palette where shades of yellow, green, pink and purple shine, creating a delicate pastel style.
A unique palette where pastel shades of blue and green shine
An elegant pastel palette with shimmering shades of blue and pink.
A charming palette that reveals shades of delicate purple
A fascinating palette that shines with shades of vintage chic that will make your project irresistible
A palette that comes to life in dark red shades, transporting us to a world where the magic of red inspires the creation of a modern project.
A retro cocktail palette that blends shades of pink, green and blue to reveal the richness of time.
A palette where pastel, warm and golden shades of orange bloom like delicate flowers, giving us a sense of peace and harmony.
A palette where blue, red and orange dance together like a living flame
A colorful palette, where shades of orange, yellow and purple are spilled with gentle touches, like unique memories of past moments
A glass of shades where pink and yellow intertwine like soft butterfly wings

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